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The Netherlands
International events following the signing of the United Nations Charter, indicate that an era of genocide has emerged in order to pave the way again for international domination. Genocide, as an instrument to achieve this goal, finds its roots in the politics of "elimination" on which the USA was established, as compared to those of "assimilation" and "divide to rule" The main targets to be realized are the replacement of people, the partition of countries, the causing of large scale immigration and the problems resulting therefrom as a method of disrupting other societies and weakening their competition capabilities
Genocide is being directed from outside on basis of pretexts and is also being instigated internally and given a simulacrum of civil wars by the criminal abuse of the applied technology of psychiatry In all cases, genocide-operations depend on "propaganda" through mass-media and other information manipulating devices to create the mental conditions needed to instigate and to justify the commission of genocide. Lies, distortion of facts and "confusion" are the main methods of manipulation.
This two preceding paragraphs opened my article in the CONGRESS BULLETIN NO.5 of the ICLS (LWO) 6th. International Congress on Legal Science which focused on genocide in the former Yugoslavia.
The era of genocide is being intensified and the genocide incidents of whole nations are being treated as ordinary events. The media are giving accounts of those genocide incidents with the same tune as their accounts of football games and film stars, and even with less intensity.
Mankind is being prepared to face and accept more genocide incidents of more nations, with apathy and confusion.
The world genocide-gang is well organized and supported by a “genocide technology" or "genocide engineering" and a "genocide industry". The UNO is placed in the center of the "genocide aid" and the "genocide keeping". The UNO makes use of five main techniques: the manipulation of international law, lies, genocidal intervention, camouflage action, and inaction.
In the course of my research in the era of genocide, I thought that the arche-type examples are the Palestine case, the atom-bomb Japan case, the Vietnamese case, the Croatia case, and the Bosnia case. But a new case has emerged: the Chechenya case. There are so many other cases of genocide in this era of genocide which they dare to call the era of the United Nations for peace and cooperation.
This book is entitled to an introductory international legal study of the genocide case of the Chechen Republic and its people.
The Hague, 26 June 1995
ASSR - Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
RF - Russian Federation.
RSFSR - Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republics
Russia - Originates from the word "Rus"
Russian - member of the Slavic-speaking race
Soviet - body of representatives. Thus a "Soviet Republic" is a republic being governed by a representative body
Union SSR - republic member of the USSR, not of the RSFSR
USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Background information
1. The "Chechen Republic-Itchkeria" is situated north of the Caucasus, in the Russian border
with Georgia, to the cast of North Ossetia and Ingushetia, to the west of Dagestan.2. In 1992, the total population was 1.300 000. The Chechenyans are closely related to the
Ingushians They are Sunni Muslims and their language is a Nakh dialect.3. There is evidence that the Chechen and the Ingush inhabit this area as early as the Paleolithic period. "The remains of the late Bronze and early Iron ages... attest to the high level of social and economic development of the tribes, to advanced metallurgy, first of copper, then of iron, and to contacts with Scythia, Transcaucasia, and Southwest Asia"(1).
4. The names Chechen and Ingush originals from the names of two mountain villages, inhabited by two tribes, respectively the Nakhcho and the Galgai.
5. Chechenya is rich with oil and gas. Forests cover 18.7% of the territory. It has significant machinery manufacture for the oil and chemicals industries. Manufacture of a range of things is also developed furniture, parquet flooring, musical instruments and food processing. Agriculture is mainly in the valleys. Rail transportation is also developed.
Aggression and occupation by Russia under the Czar
6. The Chechenyans and Ingushians are independent mountain peoples, who were, like other Caucasian peoples, subjected to Russian aggression and colonialism, especially in the 19th century. Under the leadership of their Muslim leader Shaykh Shamil, they resisted this aggression. In 1858 their leader was captured and in 1864 their countries were occupied by imperial Russia and they were driven into the mountains. Due to their prolonged resistance, the Caucasian war took from 1817 until 1864 and was followed by the application of a gradual russification policy.
7. The Chechenyan people did not loose their independence by being part of the Russian empire, but their independence was obstructed by occupation, russification and exploitation.
Regaining independence by the fall of the Russian Empire
8. The fall of the Czar as a result of the revolution led to the regaining by the Chechenyan people of their independence. On 14 (27) March 1917 a Chechen National Cabinet was elected by the Chechen Congress and composed of sheikhs, merchants and officers. An Ingush National Cabinet was also elected. In order to promote their security, the north Caucasians proclaimed on 11 May 1918 their independent Republic of Mountain Nations of North Caucasus They issued a Declaration of Independence and were separated front imperial Russia
Re-occupation by Moscow under the Red Army
9. The proclaimed proletariat revolution planned to export itself by force, not for noble goals, but for pragmatic reasons. Consequently, the regime in Moscow invaded the Czar ex-colony by the Red Army, as the Great Soviet Encyclopedia published in Moscow 1978 admits(2). The Czar empire was revived under a new government called "All-Russian Central Executive Committee" which decreed on 20 January 1920 to annex Chechenya and Ingushetia under the Gorskaya Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic of the RSFSR.
10. On 20 November 1922, Chechen was separated from Gorskaya ASSR and made an Autonomous Region under the RSFSR. On 7 July 1924, the Gorskaya ASSR was abolished and an Ingush Autonomous Region was established. On 15 January 1934 the Chechen and Ingush Autonomous Regions were added together as one autonomous region, which was made an ASSR on December 1936
11. The pragmatic reasons which we referred to were summed up by Lenin in June 1920 as(3):
11.1 The impossibility of the communist republics to continue to exist, "surrounded as they are
by the imperialist powers of the whole world", "without the closest alliance".11.2 The need for "a close economic alliance between the Soviet republics".
11.3 The class nature of Soviet power, and its international nature, which were impelling the
"masses of the working people" toward unity.12. This laid the basis and paved the way for the revival of the Russian empire, under another name, the RSFSR, despite the recognition of the independence of the north Caucasian nations, including Chechenya, as we will point out later on.
Genocide as part and parcel of Russian imperialism
13. As events disclose, genocide in the RSFSR, the USSR, and the RE are not the product of occasional events, but of deliberate criminally minded policy.
14. In our view genocide means the causing of serious bodily and/or psychic harm to any number of persons due to their national or ethical origin, race, religion, or economic, political or social position.
15. While genocide was committed by the crusaders and the imperialists in many parts of the world, only the Nazi's of World War 11 were put to trial and punished by the Nuremberg Tribunal which began its work on 20 November 1945 and ended on 1 October 1946. Since then, the prevention, suppression and punishment of the crime of genocide became an undisputed principle of modern international law
16. It is a matter of course that the United Nations Charter by its abolition of war and of aggression, also prohibits genocide. For this matter, the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization passed in its first session in 1946 a resolution (Gen. Ass. res. 9611/Dec. 11, 1946) affirming that genocide is a crime under international law (see Annex no. I).
17. Instead of establishing a Standing Commission on Genocide, the UNO General Assembly passed its resolution 260A (111) of Dec. 9, 1948 adopting a Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and calling upon all States to sign and ratify it or accede to it (see Annex no. II). The Genocide Convention entered into force on 12 January 1951 and in March 1988 the total number of States Parties was 96 only, and the signatories were 4.
18. Article II of the Convention defines genocide as follows:
Article II: "genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethical, racial or religious group, as such
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to revent births within the group;
(c) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group”.
Struggle against occupation
19. The Chechenyan and Ingushian people did not accept the re-occupation of their country by Moscow under the Red Army. They resisted by all available means in the 1920's and the 1930's This took place especially during the collectivization process, as many farmers retained their independence. The two main factors which underlined this resistance and struggle against occupation by the Red Army, are religion, being Islam, and the anti-Communist social system, being that of Muslims living in the north Caucasus natural setting
Genocide by Moscow under Stalin
20. After the death of Lenin in 1924 Stalin extended the aggression of RSFSR on the nationalities and the religions which are not Russian. Stalin reacted to the resistance and the struggle against Moscow imperialism by committing genocide against the Chechenyans and the Ingushians-
21. The rich farmers were eliminated in the genocide operation of 1937-1938. The communist party of Chechen-Ingush was itself a target. While the Communist party in 1934 included
11.966 members, 3500 members were considered "undesirable", 1500 members were declared "moved to another place", and, in 1938, 822 members were accused of being "enemy of the people" or of being "Trotskists" and disappeared.
22. Another large scale genocide operation was carried out in February 1944 The decision was taken in fact one year earlier by the Politburo and the General Staff of the Red Army. Stalin, Voroshilov, Kaganovitch, Khrushchev, Kalinin and Beria were of the opinion to postpone the deportation until the German enemy leaves the country. Molotov, Zjdanov, Vosnesenski, and Andrejev were of the opinion that deportation had to take place immediately.
23. The Stalin's large scale genocide operation started on 23 February 1944 by deporting more than 400.000 Chechenyans and 90 000 Ingushians to Central Asia and Siberia. Only 2000 persons could escape to the mountains the Chechenyans living in North Asset were also deported The deportation operation took only three days and was carried out by the so-called "People's Commissioner for Internal Affairs", Lavrenti Beria, who was also a member of the Politburo and of the State Defense Committee.
24. The total genocide deportation operation was kept secret. Only two years after its commission, namely on 26 June 1946, lzvestia published a small note. The Presidium of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet issued a decree signed by the Chairman of the Presidium, I.Vlasov, and its secretary, P.Bachumorov, announcing that the Crimean Tatars and the Chechenyans were deported to another place in the USSR, ignoring mentioning the deported Ingushians, and that the Chechen-Ingush ASSR was officially dissolved on 7 March 1944 The reasons given were that the great majority committed treason and collaborated with the German Army This reason was untruthful, because, as the Great Soviet Encyclopedia itself states', the Chechenyans and Ingushians fought and aided the front in the war with Germany (1941-1945), they supplied food to the army, and their oil industry worked hard to supply the front
25. The genocidal deportation took only three days and was done by a sudden action causing total surprise and psychic paralysis. On 23 February (1944), the Red Army Day, men were taken prisoners. Women and children were collected from their homes and transported with the trucks which were delivered by the USA for the war effort against Germany. Each family was allowed 20 kg luggage. All their possessions, houses, lands and cattle were robbed from them by the RSFSR. The trucks brought them directly and speedily to their exile. During the deportation, 20% of the people died due to weather conditions and hunger The officers of the Ministry of the Interior, B.Koboulov and I.Serov, were in charge of keeping the deportees in settlements their first years in exile caused the death of many of them due to the climate, hard work and epidemics. The demographic loss was estimated at 38% of the Chechenyan and Ingushian peoples. Besides physical genocide through genocidal deportation, cultural genocide was also committed because of the obstruction of their intellectual life and national education. Moreover, the methods of the Police State were applied. In the settlements, a supervisor was assigned to every ten houses. Air obligation to register oneself monthly was imposed, and later on was made. Permission from the police was needed to undertake many things. Traveling was permissible within tile range of 3 km. only. For longer trips, one was obliged to have a document. This intensified the psychic genocide already committed by the deportation. And on 26 November 1948, the USSR decreed that they are permanently deported with no right to return back to their country.
26. The genocidal deportation of the Chechenyans and Ingushians was not an isolated incident by itself. It represents the deliberate genocidal crime committed by Stalin and his genocide gang against many other nationalities and religions which are not Russian. The Karatchaiyans, Balkarians, Kalmukens were also deported as a measure of usurping the countries of non-Russian nations and destroying their identity.
27. The real reason for the genocidal deportations was strategic to secure the total control of north Caucasus as a buffer-territory in case of aggression from the south, especially that the north Caucasian nations are non-Slav Muslims, thus both anti-Russian and anti-communism. For this strategic reason, demographic genocide was not only committed by the demographic loss caused by the deportation, but also by intensifying the russification of the countries of the deported nations in order to camouflage the russification, some other nationalities were also brought in the count of the deported nation In Chechenya-Ingushetia not only Russians were brought in to settle, but also North-Ossetians, Avarians, Darginians, and Ukranians. This was done in order to destroy the identity of the country and its people and to avoid its persistent struggle to retrieve its independence.28. All these genocidal crimes explain why the Chechen-Ingush ASSR was abolished by Stalin and his genocide gang on 7 March 1944. This we call political genocide. Moreover, the Prigorodnyi district was severed from it and added to North-Ossetia, as a measure of inciting future local problems capable of frustrating national aspirations and efforts for regaining independence. The territorial aggression we prefer to call territorial genocide because a nation can only enjoy its dignity and exercise its self-determination and sovereignty on its territory and has the right to territorial integrity. All these kinds of genocide have enforced the anti-Russian and anti-communism struggle of the Chechenyans, and their determination to regain their independence.
28a. Ironic enough, Stalin - who committed with the help of his genocide-gang all those kinds of genocide - together with Roosevelt and Churchill, and "speaking in the interest of the thirty-two United Nations", issued on November 1, 1943 a Declaration on genocide and its punishment, which stated':
"Those German officers and men and members of the Nazi party who have been responsible for, or have taken a consenting part in the above atrocities, massacres and executions, will be sent back to the countries in which their abominable deeds were done in order that they may be judged and punished according to the laws of these liberated countries and of the free governments which will be created therein... without prejudice to the case of the major criminals, whose offenses have no particular geographical localization and who will be punished by the joint decision of the Governments of the Allies".
Repatriation under Khrushchev
29. Ironic enough, after the death of Stalin in 1953, Khrushchev, who was a member of his genocide-gang, adopted a de-Stalinization policy. The oppression of opposition and the genocide committed against non-Russian nations and religions brought the communist party itself and the RSFSR empire in danger of disintegration Khrushchev had to dissociate himself from that period and to gain support for himself. These circumstances opened the way for the repatriation of the Chechenyan and the Ingushian peoples.
30. Firstly, decrees were gradually issued exempting more deportees from 11 registration" In June 1955, education in their own language and culture became permissible. They demanded rehabilitation and their return to their countries and the reinstituting of their autonomous republic. Many, estimated at 30 000, returned to Chechen-Ingush without permission from the authorities.
31. As late as the Twentieth Communist Party Congress in 1956, Khrushchev confessed that the Karatchaiyans, Balkarians and Kalmukians have been oppressed. He then even said that since the war ended in favor of the USSR, the deportations were not necessary. He also declared that the accusations made by Stalin against those nations and their deportation were illegitimate. The Central Committee of the Communist Party decreed on 24 November 1956 to restore the national autonomy of the Chechenyans and Ingushians. On 9 January 1957 the Supreme Soviet decreed to restore Chechen-Ingush as an ASSR under the RSFSR. The district of Prigorodnyi was not added back to Checheno-Ingushetia, but three other districts: Kargalinski, Naurski, and Shelkovski. The repatriation had to be in four years and M.G. Gairbekov was put in charge of its implementation. The russification which took place in twelve Years, from 1944 up to 1956, caused a number of problems the capital Grozny had already 540.000 inhabitants and 500.000 of the repatriated had to be added to them, thus shortage of housing, tension and conflict arose between the Russian colonial settlers on the one hand, and the Chechenyans and the Ingushians on the other hand. In 1958 armed conflict took place and caused a number of deaths, the departure of 36.000 Russians, and a demand by the Russian colonial settlers that the Chechenyans and Ingushians should be deported again. The problems were deliberately caused with the intention to impede the regaining of independence by the Chechenyans and the lngushians.
32. The repatriation operation was declared as fulfilled by a decree of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet on 26 April 1991, in which the restoration of the rights and the territorial integrity of the deported nations was promised. But such restoration did riot take place until now.
33. Other deported nations demanded also to be repatriated to their countries.
Exploitation by Moscow
34. The communist principle of the abolition of the exploitation of man by man did not apply to the exploitation of a nation by another nation. This principle was violated in the inter-national relations among the nations making up the RSFSR, in order to save and enrich imperial Moscow at all costs. The exploitation of Chechen-Ingush ASSR by the Russian empire under the Red Army is called "selfless aid to the people of the entire Soviet Union" and is intensified in the 1960's and the 1970's. For this so-called "selflessness", the republic was "awarded" the “Orden of Lenin” in 1965 and the “Orden of the October Revolution” and the “Orden of Friendship of Peoples” in 1972(6). The "close economic alliance" which Lenin urged in June 1920 meant the obstruction of the independence of Chechenya and other north Caucasian nations lie actually urged the maintenance of the exploitation of Chechenya by imperial Russia, which exploitation started in 1893 when the first oilwell was drilled and the working class was composed mostly by colonialist Russians.
Conditions enhancing the struggle for independence
35. The russification of Checheno-Ingushetia and the repatriation of the indigenous people of the country resulted in economic and social problems worsened by high unemployment, housing shortage, corruption, and the fact that tile colonialist Russians had the important jobs.
The struggle to regain independence
36. The above mentioned crisis led to the formation of two political parties:
36.1 The Vajnakhskaja Democratic Party (VDP) under leadership of Zelimkhan Yandarbiev, striving to elevate Checheno-Ingushetia to the status of a Union Republic (under the Soviet Union), and
36.2 The National Congress of the Chechenyan People (NCCP) with an Executive Committee under the Chairmanship of Jokhar Dudayev, composed of the radical nationalists striving to independence, and supported by the Green Movement, the Movement of Democratic Reforms, the People's Front, the Muslim organizations and the independent press.
37. These parties organized demonstrations. The first incident which marks the defiance of Moscow took place begin September 1989. The NCCP decided to dissolve the Supreme Soviet of Checheno-Ingushetia. The National Guard of the NCCP stormed the building of the Supreme Soviet and threw them out. The chairman, Dokou Zavgajev was taken prisoner(?) and was forced to resign his function as President(?) of Checheno-Ingushetia. The Executive Committee of the NCCP look over the functions of the Executive organs.
38. A reactionary step was taken by the chairman of the Russian parliament, Rouslan Khasboulatov, himself a Chechenyan, who formed a temporary higher council to prepare for parliamentary elections. The behaviour of the chairman of this council, Khoussein Akhmadov, led to his dismissal and the press labeled the council as the enemy of the people. The vice-president of the RSFSR, Alexander Routskoi, reinstated the council, with the chairmanship of Baouddin Bakhmadov.
39. The Presidium of the NCCP continued its armed resistance, mobilized all men and kept the National Guard alert. The people kept demonstrating for democracy and freedom.
40. (?)In October 1990, Checheno-Ingushetia declared its sovereignty. And in July 1991, Ingushetia proclaimed its own republic, and decided by a referendum to remain under the RSFSR. It also claimed Prigorodnyi district which was given after the deportation to North-Ossetia.
41. In August 1991, the military coup took place in Moscow marking the collapse of the USSR and the coming in power of Boris Yeltsin.
42. On 6 September 1991, Jokhar Dudayev, the leader of NCCP, took a decisive step by
dissolving the parliament and the cabinet. His presidency was legitimated by elections on 27 October 1991, which elections were declared invalid by Boris Yeltsin.
The declaration of independence and the reactions to it
43. On 9 November 1991 Dudayev proclaimed the independence of the Chechen Republic. This proclamation caused unrest among the Russian colonial settlers Boris Yeltsin reacted by declaring the state of emergency on 8 November 1991, and suspending the right to strike and the freedom of expression, calling all the people to deliver their weapons.
44. Dudayev called total mobilization of the peoples of the Caucasus against Russian imperialism, and warned the peoples to prepare themselves for war. The National Guard contained 5.000 military personnel and 60.000 volunteers, and the train and the airport were under Chechenyan control.
45. The Russian parliament sent to Grozny a delegation to intermediate, under the leadership of Routskoi and Khasboulatov, and the Supreme Soviet of RSFSR decided in an emergency meeting that the conflict must be solved with political means, in order to avoid the chain-reaction which earl be caused by the use of force. Despite this, Yeltsin sent troops. But these could not carry out their task, and ignored the order to arrest Dudayev. Under the pressure of the parliament, Yeltsin was obliged to end the state of emergency and to call back the troops. Yet the Russian parliament agreed that the borders of Chechenya be controlled against incoming or outgoing weapons.
46. In December 1991 a financial and arms blockade was imposed on Chechenya, and the oil was later on included in the blockade. The Russian army was also already occupying the regions of Malgobek and Sounzji, which Chechenya considers belonging to its territory. The parliament of Chechenya demanded that the federal army withdraws from Chechenya.
47. At the end of July 1993 Moscow recognized for Chechenya the status of a special autonomous republic. An agreement was also concluded between Dudayev and the President of Ingushetia, Rouslan Aushev, that the borders between the two countries shall not be demarcated.
48. Dudayev declared that Chechenya shall not take part in the elections of 12 December 1993 for the new parliament and new constitution of the Russian Federation. The Russian Federation reacted by including Chechenya in the new constitution as a member of the federation. Dudayev called this a provocation. And Shakhraj, the Chairman of the Committee of the Affairs of the Federation and Ethnic Relations, declared that Chechenya violated the constitution by refusing to convene the elections
49. Dudayev agreed to establish confederative relations with the federation. But this was refused and Yeltsin, just before the elections of 12 December 1993, ordered that the borders of Chechenya be defined and controlled Dudayev considered this a declaration of war against Chechenya.
The Yeitsin-Grachev’s genocidal operation
50. One whole year later and specifically on 11 December 1994, Yeltsin and his Defense Minister, Grachev, started a large scale genocidal operation against Chechenya and all its people. Warplanes and heavy weapons were used to ruin Grozny, the capital, and the neighboring villages on their inhabitants.
51. The victims of this genocidal operation were riot only the Chechenyan people, but also the very young untrained and inexperienced soldiers who were sent simply to die or to be severely wounded. Moreover, the whole of the federation became also a victim of the costs of this genocidal operation.
52. Since the beginning of the genocidal operation on 11 December 1994, the Chechenyans continued to defend their country most bravely and selflessly.
53. On 9 February 1995, Yeltsin announced that the (genocide) job of the Russian Army in Chechenya ended, while that army was still carrying out its genocide mission. A cease-fire was announced but was not implemented, except for collecting the bodies of the dead by the genocide aggressors and the Chechenyan forces and people acting in self-defense and the others who were defenseless.
54. Yeltsin and his genocide-gang did not only commit genocide crimes against the Chechenyan people, but also against the members of their armed gangs who they call the Russian Army. An army in modern international law is for deterrence and self-defense in case of aggression. The Russian Army was reduced to armed gangs, both on the ground and in the air, by commissioning it to carry out the genocide-operation in Chechenya. Those heavily armed gangs were composed for the most of young ill trained and inexperienced people. A great number of them were killed during the genocide-operation. Their mothers formed a protest group but in vain. It is reported that the members of those armed gangs do not know the reasons for this genocide mission. Due to their very low morale they escape in drunkenness, while other young people are forced to join the Russian Army with the risk to be forced to take part in the genocide mission against Chechenya.
55. This is genocide against the young people and the others forced to commit genocide against Chechenya, because they are deliberately and unlawfully subjected to serious bodily and/or psychic harm on basis of their Russian nationals, in order to satisfy the morbid targets of those in Moscow suffering from mania imperialis, a disease which explanation follows.
56. During the genocide-operation a negotiation was entered into with the Chechenyan armed forces. While an agreement was reached to withdraw all Russian armed personnel from Chechenya before a general election takes place, Yeltsin decreed to have a permanent Russian military presence in Chechenya. His own negotiation team threatened to resign. He declared himself ready to review this decree. A nobel(?) offer front Dudayev to step down in exchange for a recognition by RF of the sovereignty and independence of Chechenya was not accepted.
The imperialis chronic disease
56. From the emergence of the phenomenon "Russian Empire" in the 19th century until now, the imperial body in Moscow, being the capital of that empire, persists to exist at all costs and under any name, without regard to the emergence of modern international law which is based on self-determination of nations and peaceful coexistence. This persistence provides evidence that there is a virus imperialis which exists in the mind of the governing organ of the Russian Empire. The function of this virus is to urge that governing body to keep the parts of the empire under its domination. Any manifestations of the identity of non-Russian nations and non-Orthodox religions in the empire and any independence aspirations of those nations, form an attack against the virus imperialis. When this virus imperialis is attacked it causes febris imperialis, that is "imperial fever" which is, in this case, a mental abnormal condition characterized by nervous high temperature and morbid mental changes affecting behavior This morbid mental condition is the mania imperialis. It blocks sane thinking and sane reactions, thus leading to insane thinking and insane reactions. 11 is imperialist madness
57. The said phenomena of virus, febris and mania imperialis are revealed by the repetitious nature of the insane aggressive extreme reactions of the governing organ of Moscow every time independence movements of non-Russian nations in the Russian empire become active The symptoms of this madness-process are:
58.1 The passing of the word Russia and Russians on all countries and nations within the empire.
58.2 The using of extreme and mad force to silence the voice of non-Russian and non-Orthodox nations and to destroy the physical identity of their countries. The same pattern of mad behavior occurred in destroying the building of their Imperial Parliament by Yeltsin.
58.3 The commission of genocide of all kinds, physical, cultural and demographic, against the non-Russian nations in order to eliminate the source of independence aspirations.
58.a These symptoms of mania imperialis took place in the case of Chechenya in 1817-1864, by Moscow under the Czar, then in 1920 by Moscow under the Red Army, then in 1944 by Moscow under the genocide gang of Stalin, and since December 1994 until now by the genocide gang of Yeltsin. This repetitious nature indicates a chronic imperial disease
58.b One other symptom of this chronic imperial disease is that at each incident, the sane opposition of the Russians themselves comes under extreme repressive and oppressive measures.
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